Dreaming by starlight

Author Siobhan Curham Published by Walker Books Ltd ISBN 9781529504019 EAN 9781529504019 Bic Code YFN Cover Paperback


Product ID: 58435 SKU: 9781529504019 Category:

Jazz, short for Jasmine, and her parents have just moved to Brighton from Sydney, so that Jazz’s dad, Mikey, can pursue his career as a music producer. Jazz is finding it difficult to fit into her new school, and her love of surfing seems destined to be quashed for ever. Not only do Brighton’s beaches have stones instead of sand and the water is downright freezing but there’s not a surfboard in sight. When she meets her older cousin, Amber, at a family dinner in London. Amber senses Jazz’s unhappiness and tells her about the Moonlight Dreamers, a secret society of likeminded friends that she founded years earlier. Amber suggests that Jazz seek out a group of soulmates too and form her own Moonlight Dreamers.