Daylesford Book Club

Book for September 2024

Clear by Carys Davies

1843. On a small island off the north coast of Scotland.  Ivar, the sole occupant, leads a life of quiet isolation until the day he finds a man unconscious on the beach below the cliffs.  The newcomer is John Ferguson, an impoverished church minister sent to evict Ivar and turn the island into grazing land for sheep.

In spite of the two men having no common language, a fragile bond forms between them.....

The book club meets monthly. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 25th 2024 at 10.00am at the farm shop at Daylesford Organic.

Daylesford Book Club is a combined venture between Daylesford Organic and the Borzoi Bookshop.    We meet at 10.00am in the farm shop on the last Wednesday of every month (excluding December).  

Book Club books can be purchased from the Borzoi by clicking here.  Book Club members receive a 15% discount on the price of the book.

If you are interested please contact us.