Chasing the stars

Author Siobhan Curham Published by Walker Books Ltd ISBN 9781529504026 EAN 9781529504026 Bic Code YFN Cover Paperback


Product ID: 58447 SKU: 9781529504026 Category:

The Moonlight Dreamers have all gone their separate ways for their half term, each returning with a new dream for their future. Jazz has fallen for the handsome singer that’s working with her music producer dad; glamorous Allegra has returned from Spain committed to environmental activism; Portia is on a creative high after her graphic novel idol offers to mentor her own efforts; and Hope, well, Hope’s dreams are getting darker as her heart condition becomes harder to deal with and her OCD spirals. When the four of them are together anything seems possible, but sometimes life gets in the way. However, the Dreamers soon discover that true friendship isn’t just about sharing your dreams. It’s about who will help make those dreams come true – and who can stop you from chasing the wrong ones.